What are some ways to maximise an EVs range

Many of the classic petrol saving tips for ICE cars work for extending range in EVs, too.


  • Drive smoothly without harsh acceleration or braking.
  • Use an 'Eco' mode to ensure more gentle acceleration.
  • Use regenerative braking, other than in braking emergencies.
  • Use cruise control where possible.
  • Drive slower, particularly on the open road. Reducing your speed from 112kmh to 96kmh will use 14% less energy.


  • Time your charge so your battery reaches full just before you hit the road.
  • Keep rapid charging to a minimum as it can degrade the battery life over time.
  • Wait to charge after a long trip so the battery has time to cool down first.


  • As weather extremes can reduce range, park in a garage when very cold or in the shade when very hot.
  • Go easy on the AC while driving and try heat/cool your car while it's still plugged in at home before you hit the road.
  • Avoid high-consumption driving conditions by plan routes that avoid hills and stops.

    Car management

    • Remove unnecessary items from the car. An extra 50kg can use 2% more battery.
    • Wind the windows up when travelling over 60kmh.
    • Keep your tyres properly inflated.